What we do
Special Education Law (K-12)
Few things, if any, are more important than giving your child the opportunity to receive thebest education possible. Belkowitz Law, PLLC can help ensure that your child with special needs receives the free appropriate public education guaranteed by law.
We represent families in specialeducation matters to protect their children’s rights under the Individuals with DisabilitiesEducation Act (IDEA). the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
- Special Education Eligibility
- IEP Meetings
- IEP Review
- Private School Placement
- Due Process Hearings
- Manifestation Determination Reviews
- Mediations
- State Complaints
- School Discipline Proceedings
- Suspensions and Expulsions
- Judicial Review
School Discipline
Belkowitz Law, PLLC represents students in school discipline proceedings at all levels (K-12 and post-secondary schools), including suspensions and expulsions.
- Short-Term Suspension
- Long-Term Suspension
- Expulsion
- Manifestation Determination Review
- Honor Code Violation
- Title IX Violations
- Reassignment to Alternative Educational Placement
- Violation of Student Code of Conduct
Post-Secondary Education Law
Belkowitz Law, PLLC represents students facing issues with their post-secondary education.
- Section 504 Rights
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Rights
- Honor Code Violations
- Student Misconduct Proceedings
- Academic Sanctions
- Grade and Academic Record Disputes
- Judicial Review

we can help